The Cichlids Yearbook vol. 5
Fairytale cichlids of the genus Cyathopharynx (Ad
The Tropheus of southern Tanzania (Ad Konings)
Breeding in Lamprologus meleagris Büscher, 1991(Hans-Joachim
Neoloamprologus meeli, an interesting shell-brooder
(Ad Konings)
Mouths full of fry: breeding Plecodus paradoxus (Ad
Xanthism in Tropheus moorii (Toby Veall)
A review of the sand-dwelling species of the genus Aulonocara,
with the description of three new species (Ad Konings)
The "Spilostichus Type" (Peter Baasch)
The pearl of Tanzania (Labidochromis; Thomas Lepel)
Remarkable observations on the Red Zebra (Ad Konings)
Polychromatism in Lake Kivu haplochromines: two for the price
of one? (Jos Snoeks)
Research on mechanisms of reproductive isolation among Lake
Victoria cichlids and their importance for conservation (Ole Seehausen)
Cichlids from Lake Edward and Lake George (Mark Smith)
Thorichthys meeki in the wild (Juan Miguel Artigas
The Champotón Firemouth (Willem Heijns)
Nandopsis beani (Jordan, 1888) (Mark Szot)
In quest of the Golden Mojarra (Herichthys bocourti)
(Ross Socolof)
The state of confusion in Discus taxonomy (Anthony Mazeroll
& Marc Weiss)
Old wives of Surinam: Guianacara owroewefi (Jaap-Jan
de Greef)
Crenicichla acutirostris Günther, 1862: observations
in the natural habitat and in the aquarium (Frank Warzel)
Observations on Crenicichla sp. aff. jegui
(Frank Warzel)
Malawi cichlids: a different perspective (Martin Geerts)
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